Pleasure leads to preferences or pre-references, which lead to always wanting to be somewhere else, never being fully here now. How does a feelingfull person find a way out of the wheel of repetition?

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(the one minute vesion)

Ancient cultures were bound together by their beliefs on creation and death.

Since Darwin and Einstein our culture has a new set of creation beliefs ... some new ideas about death might be comforting.

I would like to describe the stewpot model, about what could happen, to us, after death ...

The stewpot cooks .. and each of us is a BLUB (a beautiful individual blub) - it lasts a split second then splashes out, evaporating and condensating into steam and smells, ... and then, ... over the course of the next 30 minutes, ... what was previously just one BLUB will become part of hundreds of new BLUBS ...!

I see death as a point where we will somehow spread our seeds, that after death our consciousness, our qualities, our desires etc will separate out, and then rejoin with qualities from others ...

In one of our next lives, my fears and your hopes could be drawn together ... combined as part of a new process, in a new person.

The Long Version