Pleasure leads to preferences or pre-references, which lead to always wanting to be somewhere else, never being fully here now. How does a feelingfull person find a way out of the wheel of repetition?

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Four Noble Truths
6 : Contemporary interpretations

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Robin Stuart : Buddha found the truth about life and all forms of desire, (not only suffering and craving).

A Study of the Mahasatipatthana's Four Noble Truths.

"Originally, ... duhkha meant "having a poor axle hole," ... " (1) - dukkha originally refered to if the axle was running smoothly in the axle hole. In those times such cart wheels were of everyday importance and Buddha must have been aware of this meaning. In everyday practical usage dukkha probably meant among many other things, the cart doesnt run smoothly.

The text says: "in short, the five aggregates of clinging are dukkha"(2). The five aggregates of clinging are "form, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness."(3). Form, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness are dukkha, this means the process of feeling and understanding the world is not running smoothly.

Our feeling and understanding are not running smoothly because pleasure leads to preferences. Buddha discovered the truth about all forms of desire, not just the truth about craving. Every small personal preference hinders our direct experience and relationship with the world.

Preferences are pre-references, and guide us to always repeating our experiences in every aspect of how we feel and understand, guiding us to always be somewhere else other than here and now. The text says "it is that craving which gives rise to fresh rebirth" (2,3) and while this maybe so; what we can witness every day is how all our little preferences, our pre-references, cause experiences and all our attitudes and responses to keep repeating.

An important part of the way out of the wheel of repetition is to be guided by what is noble and true.

1. Sargeant, Wikipedia, Dukkha, Etymology

2. Mahasatipatthana Sutta translated by U Jotika & U Dhamminda

3. The Heart of Buddhist Meditation, Nyanaponika Thera

The Noble Truths