Pleasure leads to preferences or pre-references, which lead to always wanting to be somewhere else, never being fully here now. How does a feelingfull person find a way out of the wheel of repetition?

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DIY Acupuncture Thread

........... DIYacupuncture Introduction
......................... Re: DIYacupuncture Warnings
...................................... Re: DIYacupuncture Needles
..................................................... Re: DIYacupuncture The Practice

Subject: DIYacupuncture Introduction

I had long wondered - why not do it myself? - I asked one acupuncturist and they said "you cant do any harm" ... so I started ....

Really it's so easy and I could almost say natural .... I believe its something that once you get over your inhibitions and actually start doing - then you just want to carry on with it ... I can well appreciate how acupuncture developed ... simply because its fascinating ... human curiosity had to carry on finding out why needles had such an effect ... or actually the Chinese mind doesnt seem to have been bothered with why it works they were simply interested in how to make it work better.

I believe what I do is pretty brutal in comparison to a trained acupuncturist .. but this is interesting - because what I do must lie in the origination of the practice - they must have experimented like this 3000 years ago in China!

My acupuncturist gives a very fine treatment which probably has more certain and safe side effects and lasting results .. however, he costs money - but I am free, any time I want, ... and I maintain that no-one (or very few people indeed) have a better insight into me - than me

I havent studied acupuncture and I dont intend to study it ... and for me one of the main points about writing this is to encourage a sense of trust in your own bodysense ... an adventure and experiment in trusting our own intuition ... and in no way a recommendation for treating others ...

Ive been accupuncturing myself for three years now ... Im almost 60 ... I remember 40 years ago starting to acupressure myself and wonder now why I didnt start puncturing earlier ... and the answer is simple ... no-one ever thought of it or mentioned it or wrote about it ...

I love Internet ... it allows the world to change .. it allows free ideas to grow ....

cheers robinsm

The Forum
DIY Acupuncture Thread

........... DIYacupuncture Introduction
......................... Re: DIYacupuncture Warnings
...................................... Re: DIYacupuncture Needles
..................................................... Re: DIYacupuncture The Practice