This is a mirror site of archive pages: The ideas are updated and far clearer in


This site isn't trying to prove to anyone that there's a God. This site is interested in helping people find a sense of balance. Broadbanding is evolution's tried and tested balance for all focused activities.

There is so much chaotic and prejudiced information around on religion and God  – it's not suprising that some people are allergic to spiritual ideas.

What you want to focus on, is totally up to you and your priorities. I personally want to 'live in God'. This part of the essays may be only of interest to others with similar priorities.

God and Gods in previous times and cultures united a tribe. I'm wanting to demystify the subject, show points of unity, and get down to some common sense.

Contact with others interested in developing these ideas is welcome.

Please continue with Is there a God?
Or go direct to Ignore the Monkey – Tame the Hedgehog

Back to Chapter 5 : Religious Demystification