This and That

In his daily this and that,
...........In his everyday future,
Henry Crumbold changed his name to Ramabinta,
...........Now he's a liberated thinker.

In his daily this and that,
...........He was living in a one-way flat,
Now he's got a solar energy saver,
...........And he eats lettuce for the flavour.

'twas on A business studies course in Bunting Manor
......Whose corridors were victim to an enterprising planner
......The stairways ran and rambled round quite free
......Where now many a tourist - guest or friend is lost
......While their dearly loved ones wait and take tea

......It was this very venue on the menu
......Our Henry lost his way one afternoon
......He'd heard a funny humming -
......he'd gone where it was coming
......And he landed in the meditations room
...........He'd been reached
...........He'd been teached
...........He'd been thoroughly bleached

In his daily this and that,
...........Sunday afternoon a cricket match
Now he's batting and he hits a six again
...........Well it's elementary Zen

Tales from East Bunting
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