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INFORM - : an essay on the financial situation in our world

(Information on the Financial Origins of our endless game of Monopoly)

i am learning about and researching this subject at present - where is there a simple site explaining this? - i seem to find only internet propagander.

i do not claim any special knowledge - there are a lot of open questions - and i might even have some basic ideas wrong .... so, please discuss it with me.

my motivation for this is very simply that people dont have enough time to relax and think deeply ... and why not?

lets consider time for a moment of time :
When the market started, time was measured by the moon : 7x4 seemed a sensible way to divide the month and so we agreed to meet on wednesdays to barter, and sundays to pray .... imagine the role of the newly inveted clocks in the industrial revolution to time shifts and start punctually ... and now the markets measure our time in nano seconds. We all know time is money.

i do not understand why it took me so long to understand what the financial crisis in 2008 was all about ... except that no-one explained it simply and sensibly.

There was the occupy movement. The original point was 99% of us are not rich and have to work more and more for our money, ... and then had to bail out the banks. But then occupy became involved with alternative lifestyles which dont interest 99% of the people.

The original point is that we would all have lots more free time and less stress if we werent being made to work more and more by the bullionaires offshore taxfree pirate treasure; and their creation of fiat money (state-issued money declared to be legal tender but not fixed in value in terms of any objective standard, from the Latin "so be it" - "let it be done") for us to play with. ... We are involved in a life size monopoly game -- except i am just the top hat, you the racing car, and someone else has the dice.

The Roman Emperors were among the first to discover they could increase their own actual wealth and pay their debts by decreasing the amount of silver in the denarius. The principle of devaluation is the same as in fiat currencies. The actual valuables stay with the rich and powerful, the rest of us are forced into a state of living on trust.

There are many examples of countries over production of fiat currency. The Treaty of Versailles laid a war debt on Germany which necessitated a production of marks which led to an inflation and devaluation of over 400,000 million percent in four years up until 1923.

The USA has enormous debts due to its own wars - (3,000 years ago when it started, military warfare was a method of gaining capital, now wars just cost). It seems Nixon in 1971 (during the Vietnam war) cut all connection between the dollar and the gold standard ... the USA is now apparently increasing the supply of dollars at a rate of 13% per annum, but what do such confusing statistics mean? The only real measure of money seems to be related to land and property, and to the extent which this increases, (eg. reflected in rent prices), the value of the dollar, pound, euro decreases. A conservative estimate from anyone over 60 will tell you in the last 40 years house prices have increased to over 10 times the level they were. So lets realise over this time the value of every dollar in your pocket or for the small time saver in the bank has devalued 10 times.


Even the millionaires are loosers - my neighbour went through heart attacks in 2008 because his shares lost 400,000 ... he can still afford not to work, but his health suffers ... the rest of us must all work harder in less time....

For 99,99% of us, i suspect especially the top 200-300 of about 700,000 bullionnaires production of fiat money is the fundament of our modern life pressure.

With the work of our parents generations and their intentions for a better future, we now have sufficient technology and freedom and education to be able to enjoy life. There is enough for everyone.

One big problem is that theres a lot of normal hard working people who just simply dont want to worry about money ... there is something socially distasteful about worrying about money - most people have a sort of morality that one shouldnt worry about money and they should be happy as long as there is enough - However people do complain about shortage of time, health care, pensions, education, unemployment etc., and its important to remember that this is all paid for by money.

These top bullionaires create the work pressure, they are cause of the health care and education cutbacks, and the constant need to stimulate economical growth. I suspect the entire situation on the planet including the unemployment problem, wars and famine, are all indirectly influenced by the economic pressure, created by bullionaires wanting to make more money.

For me personally i have nothing against the eccentric entereprising bullionaires who often squander money on balloon trips round the world etc., such eccentrics are individualists and creative and i believe they enrich society. My special concern is the inherited wealth - the rich kids who dont have any special intelligence or creativity, just power and a council of lawyers and bankers to work for them.

In Islamic cultures Shariah law, any inheritance used to be divided between many relations. No big company could develop or be simply inherited. This ruling did not seem to apply to the Sultans - so had the function of securing power. Because Islamic countries started losing money when the Catholic Church started breaking down, they changed their systems to allow big companies to be established.

After the grip of the catholic church was released, in the 17th to 20th century the growing merchant class in Europe was the new power for democracy against the old lords and kings. That new democracy gave itself political power to secure a new capitalist order in society ... and it was a great step forward from the inherited power of the monarchial systems.

But now, how can we stop these rich kids who have this power and are making all our lives stressful, including their own - spoilt children are like pigs and donkeys and animals who attack their own reflection in the mirror, how can we communicate with them?

it makes me angry when i realise how my entire life has been accelerated and conditioned by this spoilt child who is now running our world.

i suspect that the only real difference between the legal and illegal syndicates are that when you're incompetent, the illegal ones will kill you off ! Murder seems rather impolite! Revolution is old fashioned .. In a democracy we need over 50% of the people to first understand what is happening.

... and even I dont