Pleasure leads to preferences or pre-references, which lead to always wanting to be somewhere else, never being fully now. How do we find a way out of the wheel of repetition?

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how to have happy ions

(this was written as a joke .... im not sure of the scientific facts - only big things like the earth rotate - i know quarks and electrons are very chaotic in their movements - have apparently now found unification with god in the 12th dimension)

extract from a letter to
Dear Kathrin,

.... I must do movement every day ... otherwise Im just going to seize up - ... (and two hours movement requires another four to drink tea and prepare!! ... its a full time job!) ... Im saying that I need the whole day to do it, life isnt just buttered cakes and cream ...

I notice with everything new now : using electric drill for 5 mins - cutting a hedge for half hour - walking up 40 steps ... afterwards: it aches!!! --- but I know that NOW I can do more than last year ... and I know it started from the first tibetan of the five tibetans ... simple turning on the spot (clockwise) with your arms held out - winds up the clock - satisfies all your little ions and protons - how can you go wrong if youve got happy ions?

its a good point, imagine if you were a little ion and always your owner took you here and there, but mostly quick and in the straightest line possible ... (helpless and forced) ... how thoughtless we are ... its so obvious that little ions need to rotate to be happy ... and just the first three times takes less than a minute ... and it makes all the little ions so hopeful for a better future ... they start singing yeah yeah yeah she loves you and doing boogie woogie ... and then once you've started you wont be able to stop ... they rotate you ...


anyway lots of love ... robin

PS I keep thinking about all these poor little ions and how they must have rejoiced when we invented the wheel ... and then been totally boggled /gone crazy/ when we started using it wrongly ... I mean however could anyone except humans decide to use it vertically ! ... absolutely nothing useful comes of that, .... and we have pityfully few horizontal varieties .... but just look at them : maypoles and carousels, frisbies, flying saucers !! and gramaphone records when music was music before DJs and software programmes took over - !