Pleasure leads to preferences or pre-references, which lead to always wanting to be somewhere else, never being fully now. How do we find a way out of the wheel of repetition?

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the Hedgehog Thread

........... Taming the Hedgehog
......................... Re: Taming the Hedgehog - Experiments
............................... ...... Re: Taming the Hedgehog - Speculations on Single Minded Concentration
...........Taming the Hedgehog rewritten

Subject: Re: Taming the Hedgehog- Experiments

Maybe it should be mentioned that for many years Ive been relaxing the upper back teeth and all around the ears ... and sometimes it seems very necessary for me to start relaxation, by relaxing the upper back teeth ... they seem to be a key ....

My recent experiments have been simply focussing awareness directly in the area of the lower brain : ... with the hard spine behind, two muscles on either side, and on the inside, the air channel - (that is, without making contact through the cold-warm sensation in the nasal passages as I previously used and suggested).

I find the lower brain feels warm. Then, curiously, I sense the air Im breathing in as unbearably cold - (I feel sure it would result in a sore throat ) ... and I dont feel any warmth from the air streaming out .... ? .... so this is very curious for me at present ... I experiment with breathing in very slowly and /or through my mouth with curled up tongue to deflect and warm the incoming air ...

Ok and next (a few weeks later) I realise that there must be deflectors behind the nose in the passages and by doing something there - which seems connected with flaring the nostrils - the incoming breath deflects to - it feels like a centimeter under the eyes - so there are cold or cool sensations under the eyes ... a side effect here, is that I notice this must be another one of the various anatomical keys to happiness :-)

The process has taken about 4 months so far now since the orignal idea ... most days I have made some small experiment for a minute or so ... let my body experience whatever happens .. digest it unconsciously ... this seems the quickest safest method to experiment and learn with such things (also when teaching yourself music and maybe some other subjects) .. not to get hung up in energetic discipline and planning ... just letting the body, senses and mind do what they are made to do ... feel experiences and develop creative ideas.

The Forum
the Hedgehog Thread

........... Taming the Hedgehog
......................... Re: Taming the Hedgehog - Experiments
............................... ...... Re: Taming the Hedgehog - Speculations on Single Minded Concentration
...........Taming the Hedgehog rewritten